What Is Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is like a guided daydream where a trained therapist helps you tap into your subconscious mind. Imagine being in a super relaxed state, almost like you’re about to drift off to sleep, but you’re still aware and in control. During this time, the therapist uses gentle suggestions to help you change certain habits or address issues like stress, anxiety, or even changing a habit, or releasing a fear. 

Think of it as a mental spa day where your mind gets a chance to unwind and reset. It’s not about swinging pocket watches or clucking like a chicken (unless you really want to, but that’s a different story!). Instead, it’s a peaceful and focused way to make positive changes in your life. 

How Does Hypnotherapy Work

To understand how Hypnotherapy works, it helps to gain a little understanding on our brain/mind. We split the brain (not literally!) into two parts. The conscious mind - and the subconscious mind. 

The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is like the spotlight of your brain. It’s the part of your mind that’s aware of what’s happening right now. Imagine you’re sitting in a room, reading this message. Your conscious mind is the one noticing the words, thinking about their meaning, and maybe even deciding what to have for dinner later.

In simpler terms, the conscious mind is where all your current thoughts, feelings, and perceptions hang out. It’s like the front desk of a hotel, handling all the immediate tasks and interactions. Whether you’re solving a math problem, feeling excited about a new movie, or just enjoying a sunny day, your conscious mind is at work.

So, next time you’re daydreaming or focusing on a task, remember that it’s your conscious mind keeping everything in check and making sure you’re aware of the world around you.

The SubConscious Mind

The subconscious mind is like the backstage crew of your brain. While your conscious mind is busy handling the spotlight, the subconscious mind works behind the scenes, managing all the stuff you’re not actively thinking about. It’s the part of your mind that stores memories, habits, and emotions, and it influences your behavior without you even realizing it.

Imagine you’re riding a bike. You don’t have to consciously think about pedaling or balancing because your subconscious mind has got it covered. It’s also where your dreams come from and where those “gut feelings” originate. It’s like a super-organized filing system that keeps track of everything you’ve ever experienced, even if you can’t recall it right away.

So, while your conscious mind is the star of the show, your subconscious mind is the unsung hero, making sure everything runs smoothly in the background. 

When The SubConscious Mind Works Against Us

As explained above the subconscious mind works to keep us safe - so why then do we develop fears, anxieties etc? This is a response within your subconscious to protect you from harm - it doesnt realise that by over-protecting you its actually causing these side effects to your life. This is the area of your mind as a hypnotherapist we work with. While you are in a trance state we can communicate to the subconscious mind on how to correct the thought patterns and behaviours to certain sitautions while also keeping you safe. This treatment has helped turn peoples lives around - my own included. If you are ready to change your life - and start to take charge - live to your full potential - then get in touch - and lets talk!